Trading is a easiest money making process where people has to buy when prices are low and sell when price is high, but the trading involves many risks to tackle those risky situation we should follow the predefined strategies for easy success. The trading process is done in forex which is largest money trading market where currencies of different nations are exchanged, in this many people, firms, organisations and companies are involved in trading. But without any proper knowledge we cannot involve in trading just like that, before starting the process we should learn the basic concepts of trading and should define a strategy for ourselves and should implement it in a perfect way.
To choose the best strategy for ourselves we should first learn all the plans involved in Forex Market and can decide which one we should implement in the trading. many people will start trading without implementing strategy but they can only get short-term benefit from their process and at last they will end in collapse but people who have implemented the strategy can get reap long term benefits and success. Each strategy can be applied for specific currency pairs it is not that each strategy will work on the specific strategy but we should analyse the strategy and research on it before applying it in different currency pair. The main aim of the strategy is to stop or control the external factors on the traders and to organise the trader’s activities and process, the development of the strategy can be compared to a business plan or a project schedule which is a very transparent and useful for the people. About 95% of traders face failures due to the lack of psychological stability and experience this will be solved by strategies.
Points to remember before applying strategies
There are many predefined strategies available in trading but before applying or defining it we should keep some points on our mind that is, the strategies will not provide hundred percent success rates it sometimes bring a loss or it may act against us. Each strategy will be comfortable for certain traders or certain trading style so people should choose the one which is relevant to them. The strategies are developed to avoid problems that happed due to psychological instability. So before we use strategy we should research and analyse about it and then can apply it on the trading.
What is breakout strategy?
The breakout is an important Forex Market which states that people should wait when the price is in flat range and if there is any raise in below or above line we can start trading process until then we should make a wait. Because the price which lies on the flat range for a long time will breakout very fastly so waiting will give us success in trading, this strategy does not involve any particular timeframe but experts prefer 1H. The type of the strategy is flat range and there is no trend involved in it.